Hot water Shower does more Harm than Good

The coldest season of the year is here bringing warm sips of coffee and marsh mellow dipped hot chocolate. The chilly mornings and foggy evenings witness the contention between hitting or skipping the daily shower. The reason? Lazy winter sleeping regime and warm clothes which are too tempting as an excuse not to use that […]

Weight loss plan which helps you shed the holiday belly

Holidays are a time to enjoy and relish. With the fun and the laughter comes the holiday belly! The Christmas tree, Christmas decorations, Christmas gifts are as special as the Thanksgiving turkey and the Christmas Fruit cake. Most people gain significant weight from all the festive feast which, unfortunately, sticks around permanently. The six-week stretch between Thanks-giving […]

How do Seasonal changes affect you?

With the onset of a new season, seasonal illness is a common occurrence, affecting people of all ages, young and old, across geographies! Seasonal change brings depression among people too! Surprised? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is associated with seasonal change depression that occurs at the onset of different seasons, though its prevalence is most common […]

Self-Medication, is it good for your health?

With the change in season, the ailment of a sore throat, fever, chills, and cold is a common occurrence. If you are down with any of them, chances are you will take that pain killer or an antibiotic to cure the ailment without any professional consultation. Self-medication is the use of medication without any doctor […]

Chewing Too Much Junk Food? Your Vitals Are At Risk!

Over the day, we munch on easy to order and taste unhealthy good fast foods. But have you ever wondered that how harmful it is to munch and get away with these junk foods? Gulping on unhealthy junk food is linked to depression, digestive issues, higher risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and […]

Why is it important to maintain Patient Health History

The medical history of a patient is a record of health information about a person and his or her close relatives. Patient Record history assimilates complete record which includes information from three generations of relatives, including children, and extended family. Families have many factors in common which bring together their genes, environment, and lifestyle in […]


Advantages and Recent Popularity Most of us had to go reach a doctor at some time or the other. With the rapid increase of patient base, it has been becoming difficult to secure an appointment on time, and people have had to make queues to simply book an appointment, let alone secure one. And it […]

Why Is It Harmful To Ignore Or Deny Minor Health Issues?

We all have minor ailments at some point or the other in our lifetime. These may range from minor headaches to stomach cramps. We often miss these owing to professional or personal commitments. But these minor issues which we miss may be fatal in the long run. No one indeed knows our body better than […]

Too Much Of Screen Time Are Your Eyes Strained

Call it the advantage or bane of the 21st century, but the truth is “we” including “you” and “I” are glued to our computer screens, tablets, mobile screens maximum time that we are awake. Look around you and there are 100% chances that, you will see at least one person engrossed into his or her […]

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