Glaucoma Awareness Week: Tips for Living with Glaucoma

Glaucoma– the leading cause of irreversible blindness in India, affects one out of eight people. According to doctors from the Post Graduate Institute of Medical College and Research (PGIMER), 40 million people in our country have glaucoma or are at risk of developing the disease. Explaining Glaucoma Glaucoma causes severe damage to the eye’s optic […]

Glaucoma Awareness Month: Types of Glaucoma, and its Treatment

Glaucoma has little or no initial symptoms. Half of those who have it are unaware that they have it. Glaucoma is a condition that causes fluid levels in the eye to rise, causing eye-sight to gradually deteriorate, mostly without alert. While the most typical glaucoma types mainly affect people in their forties and fifties, glaucoma can […]

Addressing Stages of Alzheimer’s, Memory loss this World Alzheimer’s Day

Alzheimer’s disease strikes someone every 65 seconds. As we age, our brains, like the rest of our bodies, undergo different phases. Most of us eventually experience some mental sluggishness and have problems recalling historical events like important dates of the year. Memory loss and disorientation that affect our minds work could be the initial signs […]

World Hearing Day: Ear Cleaning Tips to Cure Ear Pain

Have you recently felt itchy ears, troubled hearing, or ear pain? It may be the ear wax, also known as cerumen, that is causing the problem. Ear wax is a self-cleaning agent that protects our eardrum from foreign particles such as dust, and small insects. However, as in most things in life, balance is key […]

World Prematurity Day: Premature Baby Care at Home

According to UNICEF, around 15 million babies are born prematurely every year. Thanks to the rapid advancements in medical science, the survival rates of premature babies have considerably improved. Those born after twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy, weighing over one kg, have almost a full survival chance. However, complications arise when the premature is born before […]

Winter Care for Severe Acne, Clogged Pores, and Acne Scars

Dry and harsh winters bring a host of skin troubles. And if you thought that acne scars are restricted to the summer season then think again. Winters, a season known for its low humidity levels makes, the most superficial layer of our skin (epidermis) go dry which leads to acne breakouts.    Dry skin does […]

Diabetes and Eye Care: Is Diabetes Related to Eye Problems?

Insulin (made by the pancreas) is considered to be one of the main anabolic hormones of our body which helps in the absorption of glucose from food by the cells for energy. This glucose gets accumulated in the blood, when enough insulin is not made by our pancreas. This causes blood sugar levels to rise, […]

World Immunization Day: Vaccinations that Build Immunity

Children particularly infants, can catch infections very quickly. It is because their body’s defence system that fights against infections is not fully developed. Although they receive lifesaving antibodies from their mothers, however, these antibodies gradually diminish, which makes them susceptible to infections and diseases. Immunization forms a cushion that immunes them against deadly infections by […]

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