How do Family Doctors Help in Covid Pandemic Management?

We all have had family doctors whom we have consulted for every health issue. Needless to say, that family doctors have been and will be the backbone of health care. They have patients among all age groups- from toddlers to elders in their 90s, and they typically see the same patients for years. Family doctors […]

How is Digital Consultation Transforming Healthcare?

The current seasonal change from winter to spring to summer invite seasonal diseases like flu, stomach infections and body aches.  Telemedicine consultation empowers you to seek answers to all your health-related questions, medical advice, or an opinion or diagnosis in just a few clicks without stepping out from your home.   E-Healthcare apps like Gigadocs offer […]

Coping Coronavirus Pandemic with E-Healthcare- How to Prepare Senior Citizens for Virtual Consultation?

As the lockdown restrictions ease, the situation around the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) changes rapidly.  The key to well-being is to stay informed and follow safe hygiene measures to protect yourself and those around you especially the kids and the senior citizens. Senior citizens and people with comorbidities who have severe chronic medical conditions like kidney, asthma, cancer or […]

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