World Heart Rhythm Week: Listen what your Heart is Telling You

It just takes 30 seconds to do a basic pulse check – that tells you the health of your heart! In many countries, arrhythmia (an abnormal heart rhythm) is the major cause of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), killing more people each year than lung cancer, breast cancer, and AIDS together. We can collectively avoid eighty percent […]

Addressing Causes of Hypertension During the Covid Pandemic

Hypertension (high blood pressure)- a common condition seen across the elderly, may escalate to complicated health problems like heart disease or a stroke.   Hypertension is caused by the narrowing of the arteries, accompanied by a higher pumping of the heart. A blood pressure reading is recorded in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) in two parameters- […]

How is Digital Consultation Transforming Healthcare?

The current seasonal change from winter to spring to summer invite seasonal diseases like flu, stomach infections and body aches.  Telemedicine consultation empowers you to seek answers to all your health-related questions, medical advice, or an opinion or diagnosis in just a few clicks without stepping out from your home.   E-Healthcare apps like Gigadocs offer […]

World Braille Day: Vision Loss, Symptoms and Preventive Tips

Going blind is one of the greatest fears’ that patients with eye diseases fear across the world. Slowing down the entire process begins with understanding the causes, symptoms, preventive measures, and available treatments. Partial or Total Vision loss affects about 300 to 400 million globally, of this 80% of vision loss affects seniors alone.   Vision loss, […]

Suicide Prevention: Caring for Mental Health and Depression to Fight Covid-19

Suicide affects millions and is the leading cause of deaths and medical emergencies globally. It is estimated that suicide or voluntarily taking away one’s life is the cause of about 1 million annual casualties. Whopping 20+ attempts are behind one successful suicide attempt, which makes it more worrisome. Suicide and its attempts have a cascading […]

The Shift to Virtual Care and Digital Doctors in Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought about unprecedented changes that have affected every aspect of life. The healthcare fraternity has greater fights to fathom preparing for an extended fight against the pandemic. The result is what was considered unexpected some months ago has become a reality. Telemedicine healthcare has assumed greater importance for non-COVID patients for […]

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