How is Digital Consultation Transforming Healthcare?

The current seasonal change from winter to spring to summer invite seasonal diseases like flu, stomach infections and body aches.  Telemedicine consultation empowers you to seek answers to all your health-related questions, medical advice, or an opinion or diagnosis in just a few clicks without stepping out from your home.   E-Healthcare apps like Gigadocs offer […]

How does Tuberculosis risk your Lungs, Kidney, Spine, and Brain?

Tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis primarily attacks the lungs, though it may affect other organs such as the kidneys, spine, and brain, whose signs and symptoms vary depending on the organs involved. For example, Tuberculosis affecting the spine can cause back pain, while Tuberculosis of the kidneys may lead to blood in the urine. TB […]

How does sleep deprivation harm your health and wellbeing?

Almost everyone has experienced a zombie-like feeling- tired during the day, lack of energy, with an irritable mood after just one night of lack of sleep. One in every three of us suffers from sleep deprivation. According to the Neurological Society of India, insomnia affects almost 10% of the population at any given time. Sleep […]

Burnout: What It Is and How to Avoid It

It can start with days stretching into nights as the struggle to get your tasks done within working hours grows. There’s a persistent sluggishness in your mind and perpetual physical tiredness, which is strange, considering you get a full eight hours of sleep. You might not even remember the last time you weren’t stressed during […]

Dental Health for your Teeth- How to choose the Best Dentist?

Healthy Teeth and Dental care are not just important for our oral hygiene but are indispensable to our wellbeing. Poor oral hygiene can trigger dental cavities, gum disease, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Healthy oral practices demand a lifelong commitment. The sooner you learn about healthy oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing, the easier it will be […]

World Glaucoma Day: Types of Glaucoma & Eye Vision Problems

Glaucoma is a category of eye disease which impacts one’s optic nerve and the range of vision. Blurry vision and Glaucoma eye damage is the result of your eyes exposed to abnormally high pressure. It is the elderly above sixty who are the most affected by Glaucoma. However, this eye condition can affect many people regardless […]

Benefits of Fasting during Maha Shivratri 2021

Maha Shivratri brings an ideal time to observe a one-day fast in order to seek Lord Shiva’s blessings.  Shivratri means the night devoted to worshipping Lord Shiva, celebrates the marriage of Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvathi. This year, Mahashivratri will take place on March 11th 2021. When you are fasting for Mahashivratri, you are voluntarily abstaining […]

How No Smoking builds your Immunity to fight Covid Pandemic?

Every year, more than 1.3 million people in India die as a result of tobacco-related illnesses like cancer, with one million of those deaths attributable to smoking. One needs a powerful, and personal reason to quit smoking. Around 55% of smokers choose to quit or intend to quit. When you smoke, you release chemical particles […]

Celebrating the Modern Women this International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (IWD), observed annually on March 8th, is one of the most significant days of the year for celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political accomplishments of women as well as raising awareness about gender equality. International Women’s Day is not limited to a particular country, community, or organization, rather is a celebration of […]

World Hearing Day: Ear Cleaning Tips to Cure Ear Pain

Have you recently felt itchy ears, troubled hearing, or ear pain? It may be the ear wax, also known as cerumen, that is causing the problem. Ear wax is a self-cleaning agent that protects our eardrum from foreign particles such as dust, and small insects. However, as in most things in life, balance is key […]

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