symptoms of Intellectual Disabilities and how can digital healthcare help

International Health Day: Causes, symptoms of Intellectual Disabilities and how can digital healthcare help.

Education serves as both a stand-alone health support mechanism and a growth accelerator. Health and well-being are built on a foundation of high-quality education. People need information in this informative age to stay healthy and productive.

Education and Inclusive Healthcare

People who are healthy and well-educated contribute to thriving economies, which are essential conditions for inclusive growth. Higher levels of education among mothers increase children’s nutrition and vaccination rates while lowering preventable infant deaths, HIV cases, and maternal mortality, according to data from UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Report.

Two tenets define the foundation of inclusive health: full participation and equal access. Equitable access assures people have access to the resources and services required for their healthy lifestyle.

Intellectual Disabilities

A cognitive disability is another name for an intellectual disability. People who struggle with their general mental abilities are said to have intellectual impairment- this could affect someone:

  • Learning, judging, problem-solving, abstract thought, remembering, reasoning, and academic abilities.
  • The ability to care for oneself includes carrying out work, school, or home activities.

Did you know?

According to studies, 1.67% of Indians aged 0 to 19 have a disability. 35.29% of the total disabled are children. Intellectual disability can be any brain disorder that begins before age 18, even at birth. However, this illness can result from brain injury causing intellectual disability to appear later in childhood or adolescence. Consider these facts-

According to studies, India has 31 million people with intellectual impairments (ID).

  • There are 12 million children with disabilities living in India.
  • One-third of disabilities are preventable, and only 1% of children with disabilities have access to education.
  • Eighty percent of disabled children in India won’t live past the age of forty.
  • Due to their disabilities, more than 500 million people worldwide, including about 100 million people in India, cannot contribute to their families and society.

Health disparities exist for those who have autism or intellectual disability. They experience poor health conditions, fewer health promotion initiatives, insufficient attention to care requirements, and inadequate access to high-quality medical treatment. In the next sections, let’s know more about what the causes behind Intellectual disabilities are-

  • Birth defects or brain abnormalities.
  • Certain illnesses, like whooping cough, measles, or meningitis.
  • Exposure to poisons like lead or mercury results in a severe head injury.
  • Stroke maternal conditions include rubella, drug use, infection throughout pregnancy, and issues at birth like low oxygen levels.
  • Severe undernutrition.
  • Limited/ inadequate medical attention.

Long-term morbidities are more frequent than among the general population, and death occurs at a younger age. Primary healthcare can be challenging for adults and adolescents with intellectual disabilities and/or autism.

Inclusive healthcare and Intellectual disabilities

Despite making up only 1%–3% of the population overall, those with intellectual disabilities face a considerable increase in healthcare expenses due to unmet health demands. To successfully minimize disparities and costs, it is imperative to address the health needs of this underrepresented minority group.

A doctor will administer tests to evaluate the patient’s intellectual and adaptive skills to determine whether they have an intellectual disability. These include-

  • IQ testing (a score of 70–75 may indicate intellectual disability)
  • General health exams
  • Physical therapy assessments
  • Exams for hearing, speaking, and vision.
  • Neural examinations
  • Psychiatric evaluations

Inclusive Healthcare with Gigadocs

Intellectual disability can translate to becoming a lifelong condition.

People with intellectual disabilities learn more slowly than average and have varying restrictions on their capacity to learn and contribute to society. Although there is no cure, most people can gradually learn better life skills.

People with intellectual disabilities can frequently operate normally or independently if they can access progressive ongoing treatment. Gigadocs is here to provide the assistance that persons with intellectual disabilities and their families need. To make an appointment with expert pediatricians specializing in detecting developmental disorders, we at Gigadocs recommend parents and caregivers download the Gigadocs app and book their consultations from-

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